An event of the type seminar
Stappenplan en best practices Organizations need data science, self-service BI, embedded BI, edge analytics, and customer-driven BI. This seminar provides guidelines, roadmaps, design criteria, tips, design rules, use cases, case studies, and practical examples for developing a new future-proof data architecture.
Dutch spoken
May 14-15, 2025
DMBoK2 and CDMP Workshop This course provides you with the knowledge, methods and techniques required to analyse, mature and implement information management solutions within your organisation. Additionally, this course by Chris Bradley prepares for the CDMP Data Management Fundamentals (DMF) examination.
English spoken
June 2-4, 2025
A Data Strategy for Success This seminar by Nigel Turner will outline the practical steps needed to produce an achievable data strategy and plan, and how to ensure that it becomes a living and agile blueprint for digital change.
English spoken
Only available as In-house